Blackberry Lavender Cocktail

Blackberry Lavender Cocktail

The Blackberry Lavender Cocktail is a stunning and flavorful drink that is as delicious as it is beautiful! Featuring vodka, blackberries, and homemade lavender syrup.

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Blackberry Lavender Cocktail

If you’re a fan of lavender in your drinks like me, the Blackberry Lavender Cocktail is going to be your new fave this summer! It’s a blend of muddled blackberries, fragrant lavender syrup, and vodka for a sophisticated sip that’s both refreshing and elegant.

The homemade lavender syrup will take up most of your prep time, infusing the cocktail with a delicate floral aroma that’s not overpowering. Even if you don’t have fresh lavender on hand, you can still whip up this delicious cocktail. Just use dried lavender buds to make the syrup.

Fresh, juicy blackberries add a burst of flavor and a gorgeous pop of color to the drink. Muddle them to release their juices and natural sweetness. Vodka keeps things simple and smooth, while a squeeze of fresh lemon juice brightens up the whole drink. Gin or whiskey would work well as a substitute in this cocktail. Topped with sparkling water, it’s the perfect refresher for a hot day!

Ingredients for the Blackberry Lavender Cocktail

  • Fresh or dried lavender blossoms: Infuses the syrup with its unique aroma.
  • Sugar: For the cocktail glass rim and balances the floral flavors of the lavender syrup. I used C&H Pure Cane Sugar.
  • Blackberries: Muddling fresh blackberries releases their tartness and vibrant color.
  • Vodka: Opt for your favorite vodka, preferably a smooth and high-quality brand. I like Tito’s. Sub with gin or whiskey, if you prefer.
  • Lemon Juice: A squeeze of fresh lemon brightens the cocktail. You can use bottled here too.
  • Sparkling Water: Adds a touch of bubbles for a refreshing finish. I love Topo Chico.
  • Dried Lavender: For the sugared rim.
  • Slice of Lemon, Blackberries, Fresh Lavender: The perfect garnish!
Blackberry Lavender Cocktail

How to Make the Blackberry Lavender Cocktail

Crafting this cocktail is a breeze, your only real prep is the homemade lavender syrup!

Start by making the lavender syrup. Combine dried lavender buds, sugar, and water in a small saucepan and let it simmer for about 20 minutes. Once it cools, strain out the solids, and set aside.

Next, in a cocktail shaker, muddle together fresh blackberries and a bit of the lavender syrup. Add vodka, a squeeze of lemon juice, and a handful of ice, then shake until everything is chilled and combined.

While that chills, prep the glass. On a shallow plate, combine dried lavender buds and sugar. Moisten the rim of the glass with honey or a citrus wedge, then dip it into the lavender sugar mixture to coat.

Fill the glass with ice, strain the cocktail mixture into it, and top it off with a splash of sparkling water for a bit of fizz. For an extra pop of color and flavor, garnish with a few fresh blackberries, slice of lemon, and a sprig of lavender.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use fresh lavender instead of dried lavender for the syrup?

If you have fresh lavender buds on hand, feel free to use those instead of dried. You’ll likely need to use a bit more fresh lavender to achieve the same level of flavor.

Can I use gin or whiskey instead of vodka?

Definitely! Gin or whiskey can add a fun twist to this cocktail. Gin will lend a botanical, herbal note, while whiskey will bring a warm, oaky depth.

Can I use a different type of berry in this cocktail?

Yes! While I recommend blackberries, feel free to experiment with other berries like raspberries, blueberries, or even strawberries. Each berry will bring its own unique flavor profile to the cocktail.

What if I don’t have sparkling water?

You can substitute club soda or even a flavored soda like lemon-lime or berry-flavored.

More Vodka Cocktails to Try

If you’re interested in taking Insta-worthy photos of your cocktails too, check out my free food photography training – 5 Secrets to High-End Food (& Drink) Photography That Makes You More Money (Even If You Don’t Have a Large Following).

And if you aren’t already, definitely follow me on Instagram, to make sure you never miss a recipe, get tons of behind-the-scenes pics of everything I’m shaking up, shooting, and enjoying!

Blackberry Lavender Cocktail

The Blackberry Lavender Cocktail is a stunning and flavorful drink that is as delicious as it is beautiful! Featuring vodka, blackberries, and a homemade lavender syrup.
Prep Time20 minutes
Total Time20 minutes
Course: Drinks
Cuisine: American
Keyword: blackberry cocktail, Lavender Cocktail, summer cocktail, summer cocktail recipe, vodka cocktail
Yield: 1



  • 3/4 oz lavender syrup
  • 3 blackberries, plus more for garnish
  • 1 1/2 oz vodka
  • 3/4 oz lemon juice
  • Sparkling water
  • Dried lavender, for rim
  • Sugar, for rim
  • Lavender, for garnish
  • Lemon, for garnish

Lavender Syrup

  • 1 tbsp fresh or dried lavender blossoms
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup water


Lavender Syrup

  • Combine dried lavender, sugar and water in a small saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Remove from heat and chill. Strain mixture into a jar, discarding solids.


  • Add lavender syrup and blackberries to a cocktail shaker and muddle until broken down. Add vodka, lemon juice, and ice and shake until chilled.
  • Combine dried lavender and sugar on a shallow dish. Moisten the rim of a cocktail glass with honey or citrus and submerge in the sugar mixture until coated.
  • Strain the cocktail mixture into the glass over ice. Top with a splash of sparkling water. If desired, garnish with lemon slice, blackberries, and lavender.

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